Tina Geisler | Edenvale

Tina Geisler

Tina grew up in Potsdam, East Germany– influenced by logical and masculine social systems.

In 1991 her family took a plane, for the first time, to reach their vacation destination, Gran Canaria. Since then, Tina has traveled to many different countries around the world.  As long as she can remember, the unknown behind the next corner and the variety of cultures have fascinated her.

As a geographer, Tina has a deep understanding of natural processes and loves to discover structures, patterns and correlations.  Driven by curiosity, her personal journey lead her towards finding her own feminine power as well as unravelling general feminine and masculine patterns and structures worldwide, realizing that both are aspects within EVERY human. Tina believes that by applying those aspects consciously, we hold the potential to create future innovations for each individual and the world.

Soon after Tina arrived in Vancouver, she created the Meetup group “Feminine Gathering Vancouver” in Feb 2017, where women come together to express themselves, laugh, explore, share, find support and inspire creativity.

Tina loves to spread new Ideas and concepts, scrutinize beliefs and thought patterns and to challenge people to expand their horizons.

Tina Geisler