July 1, 2016 was the 149th birthday of Canada. I live in the province of British Columbia. What comes dominantly to me at this time is the profound privilege it is to live in this country where there is space and time to be oneself and be the voice of reason and hope for others world- wide.
Today I ask myself, have I fulfilled to the fullest the opportunities which this country beckons? Have I honoured this space which is mine in this part of the world which allows for abundant exploration, giving, and creation? Have I given my all into the purpose for which I reside in this precious home?
Our national anthem has the words “With glowing hearts we see thee rise the true north strong and free.” and another line, “God keep this land, glorious and free.”. Are our hearts engaged in acknowledging the strength and freedom which is ours to express? In our minds, do we see the potential of glory and freedom which is ours to bring…. the potential for all of its people, for the natural world, and for sharing that beyond our borders and around the world?
In the beginning there were individuals who were attracted to this land with genuine passion to know something new and fresh, and to be relieved of the old colonial ways of doing things. Yes, it is inevitable that we bring ourselves with us wherever we go, so some of the past got planted here. Yet something new began to appear as well. Something which reveals acceptance, pride, pioneering, and a brand new day.
This past week the leaders of Mexico, USA, and Canada met in our capital. I know the naysayers would simply claim it as a political ploy or photo op, but I felt and heard a genuine connection among these men. They are looking to find the tie that binds among them and between them for each of their countries. They worked hard and they had fun together. Their theme was the bond they share, as well as a welcome to others to be part of the connection which they know. They see themselves as leaders in this new day, particularly in the area of welcome and openness to the oneness of mankind. I found this thrilling.
You may think this is just naïve rhetoric but I know different. There are many people on this planet whose passion it is to recognize the truth of who they are and to get to know the truth of others and let that be the way to experiencing oneness. The matters which divide us are never going to lead us to a place of harmony and peace. The freedom which we actually seek is that of being the Truth of ourselves, while joining with one another in expressing that Truth into our worlds.
I live in Canada where I have all the space in the world to let this be a reality for myself. Am I going to fritter away this opportunity, or am I going to dedicate my whole life to letting this Truth be my experience? That is the question, moment by moment. I believe we have become numb to the fact of how ridiculous this choice actually is. Wasting one’s time on hate, greed, fear, blame, criticism and shame is not why we came onto this planet. Love, truth, compassion, joy, blessing, giving, creating, and caring are just some of the options we have moment by moment to let this world be made new.
Pluck a flower, disturb a star! This analogy is true through our thoughts, feelings, and actions, one with another, as we proceed through our days. I believe that what we express each moment has its impact at the level of the truth of the oneness in our global community. May individuals, leaders, countries and continents take a look at the base from which they move and celebrate the freedom and creativity possible in these very days on this planet.
– by Marilyn Manderson

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson has been associated with Emissaries of Divine Light British Columbia since the 1970s. She lives in Kamloops, is a retired RN, and has a passion for Attunement, a spiritual healing practice offered by the Emissaries. Marilyn is presently the chair of the EDL, BC Board. She loves sharing time with her friends and family, gardening, renovating, and reading.